IPA Audio Visual
IPA Audio Visual Image


This website offers a unique approach to learning the International Phonetic Alphabet based on real-time MRI (rtMRI) scans turned into simple animations. These animations provide a visual representation synchronized with audio recordings of IPA symbols, enabling users to both see and hear the intricate sounds of phonetics.

The 2 Main Qualities of the International Phonetic Alphabet:

The IPA has a one-to-one relationship between sound and symbols, meaning each symbol has only one way to be read correctly. It represents all the sounds in the world’s languages.

Why should I learn the IPA?

Phonetic Accuracy: If you know IPA you can read the correct pronunciation for any word and also become aware of subtle differences. Knowing the precise pronunciation of words and sounds reduces miscommunication.

Language Learning: The IPA helps you to acquire new languages and dialects accurately.

Teaching and Learning: Knowing Phonetics helps educators and learners in language instruction.

Transcription: Linguists use the IPA when transcribing spoken language.

Articulation: Assists in understanding and improving speech and articulation. Understanding how exactly a sound is made helps your understanding of language.

Communication: The IPA is also useful for different fields like speech therapy, acting, and singing.

Global Understanding: Facilitates understanding and comparison of human speech and world languages.